less than 1 minute read

In the past month, I:

  • began my PhD in Information at UMSI, advised by Dr. Oliver L. Haimson and Dr. Michaelanne Thomas
  • attended the 2nd International Trans Studies Conference at Northwestern University
  • returned to my research (after a brief break during my first week of classes – needed time to remember how to be a student again lol)
  • started rewriting my website

How do I feel? Exhilirated, exhausted, driven, hopeful, and deeply grateful. The opportunity to pursue my research interests while continuing my academic career is an extraordinary privilege – I hope to make the most of it.

Regarding my website: my goal is for the mayworms.info overhaul to go live by the end of September (a little over a week from now!). I enjoyed using this Jekyll template for a while, but chose to rewrite my website in 11ty and to redesign the CSS on my own rather than using a template (being stuck with someone else’s design choices is no fun!). Here’s hoping that the website overhaul turns out well 🙏


